
PURPOSE: Provide a multifaceted place for individuals to come together, build relationships and grow in cultural understanding.  

MISSION: Foster a safe space and diverse environment to educate, enlighten, and provide exposure to cultural perspectives through dialogue, books, movies, events, food, and trips.

VISION:  Facilitate unity and cross-cultural relationships by encouraging understanding among all people through cultural exposure in order to uncover false identities based on race, ethnicity and culture.


Love – is the starting point of R & C community. Without love we cannot build what we set out to achieve: understanding and unity. Love requires you to value each other regardless of differences, to be kind, to be patient, and to be considerate.

Listen – is the active process of R & C community building. To listen requires individuals and/or groups to really hear what another individual or group is saying and requires agendas to be set aside. Listening will beget questions, curiosity, desire to understand, and ability to respond to what is shared within the conversation between the individuals and/or groups.

Honesty – is the growth track of R & C. Honesty takes place between individuals and within yourself. Honesty takes place throughout your journey. Being honest about where you are, how you are feeling, why you do not understand, and what offends you. Honesty will make you confront the thoughts shared even if they are uncomfortable.


Culture – Beliefs, traditions, customs, and systems guided by an environment or group of individuals with shared values and beliefs.

Race – A socially constructed way to identify a person by skin pigmentation or physical characteristics.   

Racism – The act of not leaving space for a person of color to have an equal voice, opinion, rights, and liberties. 

Ethnicity – Identity based on region of heritage. 

Prejudice – Belief held that says because of your identity (race/ethnicity) you are not equal and deserving of the same rights and treatment.  

Discrimination – The use of language or or action that denies a person rights and or access based on their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. 


DISCLAIMER: This website is designed to discuss topics, situations, current events, and questions about race and ethnicity. It is always to be respected as a safe space with no derogatory language, name calling, or disrespect. Please take time to carefully read through the entries, pause, contemplate and thoughtfully respond. If there are inappropriate comments they will be deleted and your second offense will be grounds for removal.